Better together: Relation between UX Design and Content Strategy

4 min readMar 31, 2022

Usually, when people hear User Experience (UX), they think of visual design, front-end programming, or interface design. Also, a common view is that Content Strategy and User Experience Design are two different disciplines and yes they are, though there are many touch points that show that the one can’t be without the other one.

What is content and why it matters for Designer

A project can have the best designs and the most intuitive layout, but without quality content within that framework, the audience will not have a good user experience.

First, we need to be aware of what content is. And content is actually more than we might think, content is really everywhere. Content appears in the form of copy, images, videos, stories, infographics metadata. Actually in UX Design around 80% is content itself.

Considering also the fact that “95% of the information on the web is written” which means that “95% is actually typography” it also makes a huge impact on the work of a Designer, as Reichenstein mentioned in his AI blog.

No, don’t do anything.. without Strategy!

Therefore, with these numbers, we have to admit how important it is to have a plan where user and business goals are included. Depending from which perspective we see it, either from a Content or UX perspective a strategy is part of the foundation of what makes UX successful which is the most important goal for our user. A strategy helps us:

  • to get a clear vision of what we need to achieve and
  • and how we can reach the vision.
  • to identify what already exists
  • to know what should be created and, more importantly, why it should be created

Content Strategy vs. UX Strategy

Content Strategy and UX Strategy are technically seen as two separate disciplines but it has a direct impact on the end of the product. But, not every content strategy needs UX strategy, and not every UX strategy needs content strategy. This ranges from case to case.

Though user experience and content strategy seem to have similar goals.

As UX Design also Content Strategy process begins with a discovery phase that uses. UX tools, user personas, and journeys in order to identify needs and goals of the target audience. This includes also user research, marketing research or interviews.

UX Design Principles as a basis for Content Strategy

As the UX principles are not just essential to create the perfect digital products, but is also the foundation of creating the perfect content. The honeycumb shows the foundations of UX principles that can be used for design and content creation.

Usable/useful: The User is always your priority, you create your digital product and your content always for the user.

Findable: Create a hierarchy and understand how content will be organized in a navigation bar or menu in order that user can find it fast as possible.

Be consistent: across all digital products and communication channels, design elements, content and organization need to be consistent

Accessible: Make sure your design and your content can be used by everybody.

Credible: Consider the context of your. Elements like the user’s location, the time they have to spend, the type of device they are using, and even their predicted mood should all be considered in the UX planning.

What brings the future: Content in Design System

It is getting more and more common to include content in a Design System. Apart from content documentation here are the most important key points in content guidance.

  • Brand Guidelines: Rules for the visual and verbal branding of the company across content channels like email, social, web, and print
  • Style: Editorial style guides, usage notes, terminology lists, and so forth.
  • Voice/Tone: How to write for the brand or product.
  • Content in Components and Patterns: Real-life copy in component and pattern examples, not just the commonly-used placeholder text lorem ipsum.
  • Content Planning: Survey of specific topics and content channels that will make information available to as many members of target audiences as possible.

There are already some companies who integrate Content into design systems. Here are few examples:





Hey there! I am Andrea. I am a UX/UI Designer graduated from Ironhack and Content Strategist Student at FH Joanneum.